Liposuction in Turkey
The Full Guide to Liposuction Operation and Body Contouring in Turkey Istanbul
Liposuction, is a surgical procedure that uses a suction technique to remove fat and slimming down specific areas of the body, those areas being the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, knees, calves, chest, arms and neck. Liposuction also improves the shapes (contours) of these areas, it is one of the best procedures to help a patient refine his or her shape, as no other technique allow for such detailed improvements in body contour.
Although Liposuction removes fat from the body, it is not an applicable or effective weight loss method. It is mainly done to slim down certain parts of the body that contain stubborn fat (E.g bellyfat or thighfat) which cannot be removed through diet and exercise.

Table of contents:
-What is cellulite and what does it do?
-The diffrent types of liposuction that are used.
-What you should be expecting after your liposuction procedure.
-What makes someone eligiable for a liposuction procedure?
-The price and costs of a liposuction procedure?
-how to prepapre for your liposuction procedure.
-The results of the liposuction procedure.
-For how long do liposuction results last for?
-Why choose Turkey's best clinic for your liposuction procedure?

What is cellulite?
As fat cells increase, they push up against the skin. Tough, long connective cords pulling down creates an uneven surface or dimpling, often referred to as cellulite. Cellulite is a very common, harmless skin condition that causes lumpy, dimpled flesh on the thighs, hips, buttocks and abdomen. Which if desired can be removed by liposuction.

What are the types of Liposuction?
Tumescent Liposuction:
The most popular form of liposuction as well as the most common
is tumescent liposuction, which is more effective, safer and less painful than
traditional liposuction, and has a quicker recovery time. It is performed as an outpatient
procedure and does not require general anesthesia.Outpatient procedures are often conducted in a doctor's office or an ambulatory
surgery center, but can also be performed in an outpatient unit within a hospital.
Outpatient surgeries allow the patient to recover without needing to commit for
a hospital stay, allowing the ability to recover from the comfort of your hotel.
How it’s done:
During tumescent liposuction, the surgeon uses a thin tube called the cannula that is attached to a vacuum which removes the fat from under the skin. In most cases, the surgeon will insert the cannula through multiple points to treat the area from different angles.
Like all liposuction surgeries, tumescent liposuction carries both benefits and risks. Complications are rare and typically minor. The most common risks include skin irregularity, lumpiness, dimpling, loose skin, numbness, fluid accumulation, infections and scarring. If these do occur, they can be easily corrected in most cases.
The recovery time for tumescent liposuction is significantly shorter than traditional liposuction, after the surgery you will experience some mild pain and discomfort, which will go away in about 24 hours. Depending on your pain tolerance or affected area you might need to take some pain medications. After the surgery the affected area will experience some swelling, which will go away between 1-2 weeks.

Laser-assisted Liposuction:
The main application of laser-assisted liposuction is body contouring. Especially useful in areas that have a minimal amount of fat, or for larger areas of body contouring. laser-assisted liposuction is used best in patients who are at or near their ideal body weight.
How it’s done:
Laser-assisted liposuction may be performed under local anesthesia alone, or general anesthesia. This is an individual choice between the surgeon and the patient. The patient’s desired area of operation will be marked across using markers of various colors in order to differentiate areas of elevation. Once marked, the patient is brought to the operating, A thin tube containing a fiber-optic of microns in diameter is inserted through a small incision in the skin. This fiber delivers precise and direct energy laser into the tissue, reaching the adipocytes. The doctor identifies the targeted area by a light guided laser that can be seen through the skin. breaking the fat cell membranes and blending its content. The semi-liquid fat can be easily removed or in case of small quantities is metabolized and naturally eliminated by the body.
As like other types of liposuction operations, there are Potential for infection, dimpling, lumpiness, numbness, scarring, discoloration, or sagging skin, as well as discomfort in the surgically treated area. Since a laser is being inserted under the skin, burning of the underlying skin can also be a side effect.
The most notable side effects will go out in 3 days or a week. No notable pain occurs after the operation, bruises, numbness or formication are less seen comparing to the other liposuction methods. They go away in 3 weeks automatically.
The many benefits of laser assisted liposuction, is that it is minimally invasive thus causing less trauma to the tissue. It is ideal for treating fat tissue located in small body areas such as the face and chin. It also is a useful treatment to any type of issue irregularities. Also only requiring tumescent anesthesia, while reducing the occurrences of edemas and bleeding, thus needing little recovery time after the operation and less pain during and after the operation. With the added benefit of better skin tightening.

Ultrasound-assisted Liposuction (UAL) - Vaser Liposuction:
Ultrasound-assisted liposuction, also known as “UAL,” is a relatively new liposuction technique that uses sound waves to liquefy stubborn fat. Although it is not a substitute for traditional liposuction, ultrasound assisted liposuction can be an effective tool for removing fat from fibrous body areas, such as the male breasts or the back, or for removing larger volumes of fat in a single procedure.
Often, traditional liposuction is performed with ultra sound assisted liposuction to help shape ultrasound assisted liposuction treated areas or to treat areas of the body not suited for ultrasound assisted liposuction, such as the neck and inner thighs.
How it’s done:
Ultrasonic liposuction uses ultrasonic waves to liquefy fat in the patient's targeted area, later to be sucked out by a tube (cannula), or a thin type of medical vacuum. This type of liposuction is typically used for fibrous and stubborn areas within the patient, such as the knees, neck, chin, feet and ankles.
While UAL is a more precise form of liposuction, there are a few downsides to this cosmetic procedure. There’s a greater risk of scarring compared to other forms of liposuction. As with many other liposuction operations there is the risk of skin loss, abdominal holes, and nerve damage. There’s also a risk of infection just as with any type of surgery.
Another possibility is the development of fluid-filled pockets that can develop where liposuction takes place. They’re a result of a combination of old blood plasma and dead cells exiting the body from the liposuction operation.
Recovery from UAL is relatively short compared to the time it takes to see results. Since this is usually an outpatient procedure, you’ll be able to go leave the hospital right away if you don’t have any side effects. It’s recommended to take a few days off to rest and recover.
The doctor may recommend moderate exercise, such as walking, after a few days of the operation. This helps keep your blood flowing, so blood clots don’t develop. If you have swelling, you may have to wear compression garments (corset).
UAL has many benefits that other types of SAL (suction Assisted Linoplasty) do not have. UAL allows for more accurate suction and liquidation of fat deposits, It also reduces the risk of blood loss and negotiates scar tissue that other types of liposuction cant penetrate.
While making it easier for the surgeons as they are melting fat before making an insertion. And also reducing any discomfort to the patient.
Note: Gynecomastia can be removed using UAL. But it cannot remove cellulite.

How to prepare for Liposuction?
Food intake and medication:
Before the procedure, discuss with the surgeon on what to expect from the surgery. Your surgeon will review your medical history, and ask about any medical conditions you may have and any medications, supplements or herbs you may be taking.
Three weeks prior to the operation the doctor will advise you to stop taking any medications such as blood thinners or any Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDs). You might also need to take a lab test for any allergies of certain medications and anesthesia.
What precautions to take:
If your operation requires only the removal of a small amount of fat, the surgery may be done in an office setting. Otherwise if your operation requires a large amount of fat to be removed, or if you plan to have other procedures done at the same time, the surgery may take place in a hospital followed by an overnight staying any case it is recommended to have someone drive you back and assist you. And at least stay with you for at least one night.

what should I be expecting through Liposuction Procedure?
Before the operation:
Before your liposuction operation, the surgeon will mark circles and lines on the areas of your body to be reduced. If desired Photos also may be taken so that before and after images can be compared.
How your liposuction procedure is done depends on the specific technique that's used. Your surgeon will select the appropriate technique based on your treatment goals, the area of your body to be treated, and whether you have had other liposuction procedures in the past.
For example having a laser assisted liposuction, will take different techniques than a regular liposuction treatment.
During the operation:
Some liposuction procedures may require only local or regional anesthesia. The anesthesia that will be applied will be either local or regional anesthesia. Other procedures may require general anesthesia, which induces a temporary state of unconsciousness. You may be given a sedative, typically through an IV injection, to help you stay relaxed and calm.
The attending surgical team will be monitoring your heart rate, blood pressure and blood oxygen levels throughout the entire operation. If you are given local anesthesia and feel pain during the procedure, tell your surgeon.
The medication or motions may need a readjustment. The procedure may last up to several hours, depending on the extent and amount of fat needed to get removed.If you have been given general anesthesia, you'll wake in a recovery room. You will typically spend a few hours in the hospital or clinic do the medical staff can monitor your condition. If you're in a hospital, you may stay overnight to make sure that you're not dehydrated or in shock from fluid loss.
After the operation:
You will be expecting some pain, soreness, swelling and bruising on the treated area after the operation. Your surgeon may will be prescribing you medication to help control the pain and antibiotics to reduce the risk of skin infection.
After the operation, the surgeon may leave your incisions open and place temporary drains to promote fluid drainage to avoid any fluid buildup in the treated area. You usually need to wear tight compression garments (corset), which will help with reducing any swelling, for a few weeks. Typically 1-2 weeks.
Depending on the type of surgery you may need to take a few days off and rest.
You will get some swelling bruises or numbness in the area that’s been worked on. This will typically go away in 1-2 weeks.

Liposuction Results:
The time to see results may vary between person to person, but you should be expecting to see results in 1-3 months. Following the doctor’s instructions and resting appropriately is sure to get you seeing your results sooner.
Although liposuction results are permanent, you should still pay attention to your diet and exercise regularly to maintain your results.
How Long do the Results of Liposuction in Turkey Last?
Liposuction is permanent, but you can still gain weight to offset its affects, so its best to monitor diet and exercise after a liposuction operation.
Who is the best candidate for Liposuction in Turkey?
As mentioned before liposuction is not a weight reducing surgery so you need to have a near ideal body weight. Some Other factors also come into play in what makes you viable for liposuction.
Ideally you need firm skin and no underlying conditions such as high blood pressure, Diabetes, Heart disease, a weak immune system. As well as being a non-smoker, as smoking could negatively affect the recovery period.

What are the costs for liposuction in turkey?
Generally the prices range from 2500 $ to 4500 $ including hotel stay, travel fees, translator fees etc
The cost could be varying and dependent on your recovery time, time of year and time required for preparing for the procedure. Such details can be gone more in depth into when discussing with an employee from our firm, through phone calls or text messaging, whichever suits you.

Why Choose One of Turkey-Best-Clinics’ top Liposuction Surgeons?
Turkey-Best-Clinic's team of highly specialized plastic and cosmetic surgeons is dedicated to improving the appearance of patients in Turkey and all over the world. Our surgeons have accomplished the highest level of education and extensive training to carry out proper cosmetic procedures. Given their years of experience, they know that patients will feel a little nervous and have many questions during their initial consultation. For this reason, the entire Turkey-Best-Clinics staff will tell you what to expect, answer your questions, and ensure that you leave with appropriate aftercare instructions for satisfactory results. Coordinators, nurse practitioners and licensed post-operative massage therapists will make you feel comfortable from the moment you begin treatment through to your post-treatment care.
All clinics we work with are from the latest and largest plastic surgery facilities within Turkey - Istanbul. The centers are equipped with innovative technology and a newly renovated recovery room that gives patients the comfort of not feeling 'rushed-out' after surgery.
Before and after photos of operations
Liposuction in Turkey
Is plastic surgery good in Turkey?
Turkey offers some of the best surgeons and plastic surgeons around. With great hospitality and care from medical staff and such.
How much weight can you lose with liposuction?
You will lose between 1- 2.5 kilos (2-5 pounds) depending on what type of liposuction you choose.
What are Turkish hospitals like?
Turkish hospitals are very professional and high in quality. Having top medical Universities, thus having an abundance of many great doctors and nurses.
Is liposuction cheaper in Turkey?
Liposuction and other plastic operations are generally cheaper than other countries in Europe. It is especially cheaper for foreigners who come from outside of Turkey.
Will Liposuction make my stomach flat?
Liposuction can reduce belly fat and slim your stomach if you only have a minimal deposit of stubborn fat, and not a large amount.
Does skin tighten after liposuction?
The skin tightens after the operation, the time of it tightening is dependent on the patient’s skin elasticity and tightness before the operation.
How painful is a liposuction?
Liposuction operations normally are not painful, while only having pain and discomfort after the surgery. Which will usually go away in 1-2 weeks depending on the operation.
How long does Liposuction last?
Liposuction is permanent, but you can still gain weight to offset its affects, so its best to monitor diet and exercise after a liposuction operation.
How painful is liposuction recovery?
After the operation you should expect some mild pain and soreness, the doctors will give you medicine to help deal with any pain.
Can I fly after liposuction?
You can fly after 2-3 days, although any type of travels are not recommended due to the risk of getting blood clots in the legs. And or disruption of recovery. So it is best to take it slow and heal.