Breast lift in Turkey
The Full Guide to Breast Lift Surgery in Turkey Istanbul
A breast lift is done to change the shape of your breasts. It is performed by the surgeon removing excess skin tissue to reshape the breasts and raise them. A breast lift might be good for you if you have some sagging in your breasts. Or if your nipples are lower than they should be and are pointing downwards.
A breast lift is not a breast enlarging operation. Although if you do wish you can perform breast augmentation at the same time of your operation.

Table of contents:
-What is a breast lift procedure and what does it do?
-Why should I get a breast lift procedure in Turkey?
-What is the reason behind breasts sagging?
-How should the right breast shape and size be determined?
-How is a breast lift procedure performed?
-What are the benefits of having a breast lift in Turkey?
-What are the types of breast lift methods?
-How should I prepare for a Breast Lift procedure in Turkey?
-What should I be expecting through Breast Lift Surgery?
-The recovery phase after the breast lift procedure.
-The results after the breast lift procedure.
-How long do the results of a breast lift operation last.
-what makes someone eligiable fora breast lift operation?
-Is breast lift surgery painful?
-What is the type of anesthesia used in a Breast Lift srugery?
-Will there be any scars left after a Breast Lift surgery?
-What are the Possible Breast Lift risks that could arise?
-Can I have both breast augmentation surgery and breast lift surgery?
-Should I have a regular breast lift or a breast lift with breast implants?
-Will there be a loss of sensation in the nipple after Breast Lift surgery?

Breast Lift Surgery in Turkey KEY POINTS
A qualified anesthesiologist will administer to you general anesthesia prior to the surgery.
Surgery duration:
The breast lift procedure will last 2 to 3 hours.
:You will have some discomfort that will go away in 1-2 weeks.Some swelling will appear as well, which will last only for 1 to 2 weeksHealing & RecoveryYou can move freely after a day in the hospitalNo biking, jogging, or running for 2-3 weeksAvoid laying on your stomach for 1-2 monthsWear compression garments or a corset for 1-3 months
Final results:
Takes 1-3 months to see

What is a Breast lift Surgery?
A breast lift is done to change the shape of your breasts. It is performed by the surgeon removing excess skin tissue to reshape the breasts and raise them. A breast lift might be good for you if you have some sagging in your breasts. Or if your nipples are lower than they should be and are pointing downwards.
A breast lift is not a breast enlarging operation. Although if you do wish you can perform breast augmentation at the same time as your operation.
Why do breasts sag?
breast sagging may be listed as follows:
Sagging may begin at an early age because of the weakness of the ligaments holding the breast for hereditary reasons.
Breasts of pregnant and breastfeeding women tend to sag to a larger extent. Because breast tissue is filled with milk during breastfeeding, it grows with the skin on it and the ligaments in between. When breastfeeding ends, the breast tissue, which no longer produces milk, returns to its pre-pregnancy state, but the breast ligaments and skin have lost their former firmness. Breasts sag due to the loosening of the skin around the breast tissue, which returns to normal after pregnancy.
Changes in breast volume caused by excessive weight gain and loss negatively affect the elasticity of the skin and cause sagging.
Breast tissue decreases for hormonal reasons due to aging, which results in the depletion of fat tissue in breasts and sagging.
Gravity cannot be prevented from affecting body shape. Especially in people who do not use a bra, gravity pulls breasts downward and causes sagging.
You can determine the sagging condition of your breasts by looking at the position of your nipples. If your nipples are above the breast crease, everything is fine. If your nipples are at the level of this crease, you have ”slight” breast sagging, and if your nipples are below the level of this crease, you have ”severe” breast sagging.
Why should I do a breast lift in Turkey?
Turkey offers one of the best cosmetic and plastic surgeries in the world. Offering great quality in both surgery and aftercare. At a much lower price than some other countries in Europe. And allowing you to enjoy the great culture and attractions before your operation or after. Turning what would be a tedious and boring recovery home, into a great experience with all that turkey has to offer. From unique historical sites and museums to its bustling streets and delicious foods.
Allowing to have fun and enjoy your time while recovering, instead of having to stay home and get bored.
How should the right breast shape and size be determined?
First of all, it is important to note that there is no ideal breast size or shape. There is a taste of breasts that can vary according to individual, age, or even culture. However, what is commonly desired in all of them is that the breasts look natural and perky.
Therefore, you should decide on the shape and size that best fit your body structure with your plastic surgeon.

How is breast lift performed?
Breast lift surgery is performed using techniques and principles similar to those of breast reduction surgery. It involves only the changes applied to the shape of the breast without reducing the breast tissue.
If necessary, enlarged dark-colored areas around the nipple (areola) may also be reduced during surgery.
Surgical technique may vary depending on breast type and expected shape. Generally, in the case of 1st-degree sagging, if there is no excess skin, it is possible to lift and augment the breast without causing too much scar by only placing a breast implant. In the case of 2nd and 3rd-degree sagging, if there's also advanced volume loss in breast tissue, it may be necessary to remove excess skin, correct and reshape breast tissue and apply a breast implant.

What are the benefits of having a breast lift in Turkey?
Breast lift operation will greatly benefit you if you have loose skin on your breasts, causing them to start sagging. Or if your nipples are starting to point downwards.
Drooping and sagging can cause many self-image issues for women.
Lowering their confidence and making them appear older than they really are. Causing insecurities and self-confidence issues.
A breast lift operation will work on fixing all of that. Giving your breasts a firm and plump look. Getting rid of any sagging or drooping you might have had before, completely changing their appearance.
And as well as fix any flaws or asymmetries that are caused by the nipples. If they were pointing downwards and drooping, they will be positioned to point forward. Repositioning them into an aesthetically ideal position.
Another quality that greatly benefits women with sagging issues, is that a breast lift will give you a more attractive and young look. Making you more youthful and boosting your confidence, not having to worry about it any longer.
And finally get rid of any pain that could be caused by the excess skin, for example getting painful chafing while doing activities or exercising.
What are the types of breast lift operations?
Depending on the level of sagging and the amount of loose skin that you might have. Because that depends on the type of operation you will be having. The more skin or sagging you have the more different the surgery approach will be and vice versa.
Crescent breast lift:
The crescent breast lift operation is the least invasive type of surgery, preferred by women who have little sagging or loose skin and only need a minor lift. The surgeon will examine and determine whether or not this surgery could be for you. The criteria for this type of surgery is minor sagging of the breasts and the nipples still pointing forward without a tilt.
The advantage of a crescent breast lift is that it is minimally invasive, thus lessening the chances of any risks that could occur during the operation or after. It also has a relatively small incision area causing less noticeable scarring since it only happens at the top of the breasts.
Keyhole or “lollipop” breast lift:
The keyhole or lollipop breast lift operation is mainly done for women who only have a moderate amount of sagging and skin tissue. It removes the extra tissue and loose skin tightening the breasts, improving their shape, and repositioning them. The criteria for this type of surgery is a sagging in the breasts that is not at an extreme level and only a moderate level. And the nipples pointing downward.
This type of surgery is perfect for women who suffer from a mild amount of sagging. To the point that your nipples will be pointing downwards. This surgery will help remove any loose skin tissue and pull up the skin tightening the breasts and improving their shape, and positioning the nipples correctly, pointing forward.
Anchor breast lift:
The anchor breast lift is done when there are extreme amounts of sagging and loose skin. With the nipples completely pointing downwards. This is the main type of surgery done for women suffering from extreme sagging. As this surgery removes a large amount of loose skin tissue. After the removal of the skin tissue, the surgeon will pull up the skin and tighten the breasts, positioning the nipples to point correctly and straight forward.
The Benefits:
The anchor breast lift greatly benefits women with extreme sagging. Helping you get rid of all loose skin tissue and giving you a tight and great look. Freeing you of any pain and discomfort that would’ve been caused by them. This surgery greatly improves the health and confidence of women with extreme cases of sagging, and it definitely would benefit you if you have extreme sagging.

How should I prepare for a Breast Lift Operation in Turkey?
Regarding the operation, it will be for the best if you lessen or completely eliminate any consumption of smoking and drinking alcohol for about 1 to 2 months before the operation date, and completely cut off any alcohol intake or smoking one week before the operation date.
Avoid taking any Blood thinning medication and anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce the possibility of excessive bleeding during the operation 8 hours before the operation you want to avoid eating or drinking anything alcohol related.
It also is necessary to start losing some weight if you are not at a healthy or near-ideal body weight. As the operation will require you to be at a healthy weight. Because having too much fat around your breasts, will cause some difficulties for the surgeon, making it hard to perform a proper lift for the breasts.
And for your preparation for coming to Turkey, you need to make sure to bring some comfortable and easy-to-remove/put-on clothing. As your upper body and breast skin will be sensitive after the operation. And to make sure to bring a good amount as your stay could take a bit of time.
What should I be expecting through Breast Lift Surgery?
Patients will be instructed to relax and take it easy, but bed rest will not be a necessary requirement. In fact, it is preferred that you move around a little, like walking for example. You may eat anything you want right after surgery, but make sure you are eating nutritious foods to help with recovery. You may shower on the same day of the surgery day or the next day. There is very little wound care needed, as that will all be handled by your doctor.
The incisions are covered by strips of medical tape. There will be a large clear plastic covering about the lower half of the breasts. All of this will be removed in about 1 to 2 weeks after surgery. There are usually only one or two sutures that need to be removed. The rest are hidden under the skin and will eventually be dissolved and absorbed by your body. Fluid Drains are usually not necessary as they can go away by themselves. After that, you will be told to wear a surgical bra or a corset for 2 to 4 weeks every time of the day. Patients will be advised to take a break from work for about 4 days to 1 week or more. There are no restrictions after three weeks. It usually takes 6 to 12 weeks for the breasts to achieve their final shape.
Breast Lift Recovery:
You can start consuming liquid food 3-4 hours after the operation and you can walk around in your room.
Even if you have mild pain on the first night, it can be easily controlled with simple painkillers.
In the hospital process, you may have serum, analgesic, and antibiotic treatment for support.
Mostly, the drains are removed and the patient is discharged after a follow-up the next day. In some cases, drains can be kept for 1-2 days if necessary.
When you return home, you should eat plenty of liquid food, use the recommended antibiotics and painkillers and wear your special bra without removing it.
Avoiding any activities requiring frequent arm movement and any body movements that give you pain will increase your recovery rate.
You can have a bath 3-4 days after surgery. You can resume normal activities in one week.
Bruising that may occur in the early period will resolve spontaneously after one week and swelling after 2-3 weeks.
It'll take about 3 months for operation-induced swellings to completely resolve and for breasts to acquire their final look.

Breast Lift In Turkey, Istanbul Results
The postoperative process is usually problem free. In the first days, you may have mild pain when you move or cough, but it will be remitted with painkillers every day. If you restrict your arm movements, your pain will remit and you will have a positive effect on the healing process.
You'll have a bra-like bandage on your breasts.
A thin tube (drain) is placed on the sides of the breasts to remove blood and fluids that may accumulate inside. Drains will be removed by day 4. Resting half-seated for 3 days after surgery will speed up your recovery.On day 5, your dressing will be opened and dressing will be done. Mostly, absorbable stitches which do not require removal are used.
If non-absorbable stitches are used, they'll be removed after day 10. Sections from which stitches have been removed should not be exposed to the sun for 6 months.
You should use a special tightening bra or sports bra for 8 weeks after surgery.
How Long do the Results of a Breast Lift Surgery in Turkey Last?
The results are quite long-lasting. Of course, it is unlikely that the breast will remain firm and uplifted forever. Factors including not wearing a bra, pregnancy, gravity, aging, and rapid weight changes may lead to new sagging in the long run.
What makes me a good candidate for a breast lift in Turkey?
For you to be a viable candidate you must be at a healthy body weight, be of good health, and not have had any underlying medical issues as that could negatively impact the operation and increase risks.
It would also prove very beneficial and even necessary to quit any habits of smoking or drinking, or at least put a temporary on any smoking or drinking habits that you might have.
As that could negatively affect your after-surgery recovery or even during surgery.
And to see your eligibility for traveling to turkey, you should contact us at our firm, our employees will give you an accurate and detailed explanation, making sure you fully understand what you need to do and what goes on in determining your trip to turkey
Is breast lift surgery a painful procedure?
In the first few days after breast lift surgery, you may have mild pain, which can be easily resolved with simple painkillers.
What is the type of anesthesia used in Breast Lift?
Breast lift surgery is performed by aesthetic and plastic surgeons under operating room conditions under general anesthesia applied by an anesthesiologist.
Will there be any scars left after Breast Lift surgery?
Scars left after breast reduction surgery are initially red, which later turn to magenta and pink. They completely fade away 6 months- 1 year after surgery. They often become barely visible. According to our observations, none of the people who were satisfied with the new look of their breasts complained about the remaining scar.
Hypertrophic scarring and keloid formation are associated with a hereditary predisposition, and people with this condition whose wounds heal with excessive scarring should warn their doctor so that they can plan different applications to reduce the scars that may occur after surgery.
What are the Possible Breast Lift Complications?
As with any surgery whether plastic surgery or medical surgery. The same risks are possible to occur
Those being:
With any surgery, there is always the possibility of an infection occurring. This could be caused by improper treatment of the incision area after the surgery or improper handling of the bandages etc. But you shouldn’t be worried as here in turkey we offer some of the best medical care in the world. You will be taken care of at every step of the operation. The chances of an infection occurring with our premium care is almost nonexistent. So rest assured as you are in safe hands.
fluid build-up
Some fluid buildup is possible after the operation. The fluid will build in the place where the skin was removed. This fluid up is in most cases is completely harmless, as most surgeons will leave them to heal on themselves. You can help ease the discomfort and help the fluid go away by applying some light massaging and warmth. Or in some cases instead your doctor will be draining the fluid.
Poor scar and wound healing
Causes of poor wound-healing depend on the type and location of the procedure, health condition, age and other factors. This could also be a factor of poor nutrition and trauma to the wound, for example you could reopen or injure the wound from jogging or running. This can be treated by properly taking care of the wound and paying attention to your diet and activities.
Should I have a breast lift or a breast lift with breast implant?
If you have sagging breasts that do not have the necessary volume, a breast lift surgery will not be sufficient on its own. In that case, a breast implant will be used to add volume in addition to breast lift surgery.
Can I have both breast augmentation surgery and breast lift surgery?
If necessary, breast lift and breast augmentation procedures can be performed during the same operation. Breast lift surgery (mastopexy) alone may not be enough to deliver a full appearance to the chest. In this case, at the same session as the breast lift or at least 6 months later, an appropriate volume of breast implant is placed in the pocket prepared behind the breast tissue or under the chest muscle.
Will there be a loss of sensation in the nipple after Breast Lift surgery?
There may be somewhat loss of sensation in the nipple and breast skin due to tissue edema developing after the operation. This usually resolves within 6 weeks; it may sometimes last for 1 year or longer; permanent loss of sensation is very rare.
صور قبل وبعد
Breast lift in Turkey
اسئلة وأجوبة
How much time off do you need for a breast lift?
You will need about 1-2 weeks off work without heavy lifting activities.
How long is recovery after a breast lift?
Recovery can take between 1 to 2 weeks. Depending on the type of operation.
Is a breast lift painful?
You will only experience some discomfort and swelling after the operation. But no series pain.
What are Turkish hospitals like?
Turkish hospitals are very professional and high in quality. Having top medical Universities, thus having an abundance of many great doctors and nurses.
Is a breast lift painful?
You will only experience some discomfort and swelling after the operation. But no series pain.
What age is best for a breast lift?
As long as you are above the age of 18, and are healthy. You are eligible for a breast lift.
Is Turkey a good place to get a breast lift?
Turkey offers some of the best cosmetic surgeries at a low price. So it is one of the best options for any cosmetic surgery including a breast lift.
Is a breast lift operation worth it?
A breast lift could greatly improve your quality of life, and your self-confidence. So it is definitely worth it if it’s causing discomfort or self-image issues.
Is a breast lift operation worth it?
A breast lift could greatly improve your quality of life, and your self-confidence. So it is definitely worth it if it’s causing discomfort or self-image issues.
What age is best for a breast lift?
As long as you are above the age of 18, and are healthy. You are eligible for a breast lift.
Where the scars for a breast are lift?
Depending on the type of surgery the incision scars will mostly be under or above the areola.
Where the scars for a breast are lift?
Depending on the type of surgery the incision scars will mostly be under or above the areola.
How should I sleep after a breast lift?
You should sleep only laying on your back and avoid sleeping on your sides or stomach.
What are Turkish hospitals like?
Turkish hospitals are very professional and high in quality. Having top medical Universities, thus having an abundance of many great doctors and nurses.
How should I sleep after a breast lift?
You should sleep only laying on your back and avoid sleeping on your sides or stomach.
How much time off do you need for a breast lift?
You will need about 1-2 weeks off work without heavy lifting activities.
Is Turkey a good place to get a breast lift?
Turkey offers some of the best cosmetic surgeries at a low price. So it is one of the best options for any cosmetic surgery including a breast lift.
How long is recovery after a breast lift?
Recovery can take between 1 to 2 weeks. Depending on the type of operation.
What do you wear after breast lift?
It is best to wear loose clothing that is easy to remove and put on.
What do you wear after breast lift?
It is best to wear loose clothing that is easy to remove and put on.